Operation: Goldeneye

Operation: Goldeneye

Shortly after graduating from college, Rocco Mars attends the Woodstock Peace and Music Festival. He observes over 400,000 attendees and sees that someone is making some serious money. He decides he wants to be a concert promoter and be part of the entertainment industry. He learns that the industry is handled by just a few big players who don’t want any competition. From small coffee houses to the national stage, watch as his business grows. But he also attracts the attention of not one, but three mob families. Suddenly it’s not fun anymore, but what does he do? An unpredictable fast moving story.

In college Barry Somes worked occasional weekends as a stagehand for concerts and heavyweight wrestling events at venues throughout northern New England. A lot of the material for this book came from those experiences. Research for this book took him to Martha’s Vineyard, New York City (Greenwich Village) and South Beach, Miami FL (tough work). This book was awarded five stars from Readers Favorite.


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